Solar Wadi launches tender for 100 MW PV plant in Oman

[Articolo originale] Emiliano Bellini Gen 19, 2023 , , , , ,

Tempo di lettura ca.: 51 secondi

Omani developer Solar Wadi is seeking engineering, procurement and construction contractors to build a planned PV project in Sohar Industrial City, Oman.

Solar Wadi, an Oman-based independent power producer, has issued a request for submission of expression of interest (REOI) to seek developers for the design and construction of a utility-scale solar plant in the Sohar Industrial City, Oman.

The project could have a capacity of 86 MW to 100 MW and will be intended for the site’s self-consumption, without allowing an electricity to be exported to the grid.

“Applicants may be single business entities, jointventures, consortia, partnerships, or other combinations of business entities composed of members of any eligible country of the world,” said Solar Wadi.

Prospective bidders have until Jan. 26 to express their interest. The company expects to award the EPC contract in June of this year.

Omani developer Solar Wadi is seeking engineering, procurement and construction contractors to build a planned PV project in Sohar Industrial City, Oman.

Solar Wadi, an Oman-based independent power producer, has issued a request for submission of expression of interest (REOI) to seek developers for the design and construction of a utility-scale solar plant in the Sohar Industrial City, Oman.

The project could have a capacity of 86 MW to 100 MW and will be intended for the site’s self-consumption, without allowing an electricity to be exported to the grid.

“Applicants may be single business entities, jointventures, consortia, partnerships, or other combinations of business entities composed of members of any eligible country of the world,” said Solar Wadi.

Prospective bidders have until Jan. 26 to express their interest. The company expects to award the EPC contract in June of this year.
