International trade [What Think Tanks are thinking]

[Articolo originale] Members' Research Service Gen 26, 2023 , , , , ,

Tempo di lettura ca.: 5 minuti, 4 secondi

Written by Marcin Grajewski.

The European Union’s international trade has suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic, broken supply chains, the growth of protectionism in many regions and, most recently, from Russia’s war on Ukraine. The United States’ trade policy towards China, which is aimed at curbing the authoritarian country’s growing power, has exacerbated the fragmentation of trade.

The United States has adopted the Inflation Reduction Act, a massive green subsidy programme which analysts and politicians say may lower the competitiveness of some European clean-tech products. The EU is debating how to respond to the Act, including with the envisaged proposal of a Net-Zero Industry Act, setting a number of clean-tech objectives for 2030. The work of the new EU‑US Trade and Technology Council has so far made limited progress in resolving the trade spat.

This note offers links to a series of recent commentaries and reports from major international think tanks and research institutes on international trade policy.

China and the new globalization
Atlantic Council, January 2023

Russian foreign trade tracker
Bruegel, January 2023

Strategic tech cooperation between the EU and India
Clingendael, January 2023

The world trade crisis
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, January 2023

Trade liberalization at a crossroads: The US and China play key roles
Finnish Institute of International Affairs, January 2023

Can the US and Africa usher in a new era for globalization?
Atlantic Council, December 2022

The Trade and Technology Council: The new window for European Union–United States collaboration
Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, December 2022

The European Commission’s proposed anti-coercion instrument from an international law perspective
Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, December 2022

Asia Pacific: The test case for a geopolitical EU trade strategy
Bertelsmann Stiftung, December 2022

The impact of the Ukraine crisis on international trade
Bruegel, December 2022

Transatlantic woes: Neither side can have it all
Carnegie Europe, December 2022

Strengthening US–EU cooperation on trade and technology
Chatham House, December 2022

The future for global trade in a changing climate
Chatham House, December 2022

The contentious U.S.-China trade relationship
Council on Foreign Relations, December 2022

Trade: What’s left of globalisation?
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, December 2022

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the EU
E3G, December 2022

Competitive and innovative: The winning Europe that we need
European Centre for International Economic Policy, December 2022

2023 will be a defining year for Brexit and trade
European Centre for International Economic Policy, December 2022

How important are Mutual Recognition Agreements for trade facilitation?
European Centre for International Economic Policy, December 2022

A united front: How the US and the EU can move beyond trade tensions to counter China
European Council on Foreign Relations, December 2022

Setting the tone: The value of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council
European Council on Foreign Relations, December 2022

How the EU and the US should overcome their trade and supply chain disputes
European Policy Centre, December 2022

China’s Xi knows that international consensus helps with business
Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale, December 2022

How to save the WTO with more flexible trading rules
Peterson Institute for International Economics, December 2022

Have trade agreements been bad for America?
Peterson Institute for International Economics, December 2022

The World Bank, the IMF, and the GATT/WTO: Which institution most supported trade reform in developing economies?
Peterson Institute for International Economics, December 2022

What do the stalled free trade talks between EU and Switzerland mean for their economies (and the United Kingdom)?
Bertelsmann Stiftung, November 2022

Deglobalisation and protectionism
Bruegel, November 2022

Is globalisation really doomed?
Bruegel, November 2022

China and the challenge to global order
Brookings Institution, November 2022

Rewiring US trade policy to address new global realities
Brookings Institution, November 2022

In a green subsidy race, the EU should not imitate the US
Centre for European Policy Studies, November 2022

The US-EU trade and technology council: assessments and recommendations
Center for Strategic and International Studies, November 2022

Will Biden’s trade policy shift after the midterms?
Council on Foreign Relations, November 2022

The globalization myth
Council on Foreign Relations, November 2022

Managing risks in the EU-China economic relationship
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, November 2022

Has globalisation really peaked for Europe?
European Centre for International Economic Policy, November 2022

The new globalization: SMEs and international trade – the supply chain is as important as direct exports
European Centre for International Economic Policy, November 2022

Refining the EU’s geoeconomic approach to trade policy
Egmont, November 2022

Walking out of the woods: EU industrial policy between the energy crisis and decarbonisation
Istituto Affari Internazionali, November 2022

How the G20 can advance WTO reform
Peterson Institute for International Economics, November 2022

The EU should expand trade with the Indo-Pacific region
Peterson Institute for International Economics, November 2022

The advance of China’s private sector pauses, but the trend is unclear
Bruegel, October 2022

Europe’s promised semiconductor subsidies need to be better targeted
Bruegel, October 2022

China and the West: growing apart as geopolitical tensions grow
Bruegel, October 2022

The role of international trade in realizing an inclusive circular economy
Chatham House, October 2022

Sea change in EU trade policy: Opportunities for diversification in the Indo-Pacific
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, October 2022

Greening global trade Clingendael, September 2022

Read this briefing on ‘International trade‘ in the Think Tank pages of the European Parliament.

Written by Marcin Grajewski.

The European Union’s international trade has suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic, broken supply chains, the growth of protectionism in many regions and, most recently, from Russia’s war on Ukraine. The United States’ trade policy towards China, which is aimed at curbing the authoritarian country’s growing power, has exacerbated the fragmentation of trade.

The United States has adopted the Inflation Reduction Act, a massive green subsidy programme which analysts and politicians say may lower the competitiveness of some European clean-tech products. The EU is debating how to respond to the Act, including with the envisaged proposal of a Net-Zero Industry Act, setting a number of clean-tech objectives for 2030. The work of the new EU‑US Trade and Technology Council has so far made limited progress in resolving the trade spat.

This note offers links to a series of recent commentaries and reports from major international think tanks and research institutes on international trade policy.

China and the new globalization
Atlantic Council, January 2023

Russian foreign trade tracker
Bruegel, January 2023

Strategic tech cooperation between the EU and India
Clingendael, January 2023

The world trade crisis
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, January 2023

Trade liberalization at a crossroads: The US and China play key roles
Finnish Institute of International Affairs, January 2023

Can the US and Africa usher in a new era for globalization?
Atlantic Council, December 2022

The Trade and Technology Council: The new window for European Union–United States collaboration
Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, December 2022

The European Commission’s proposed anti-coercion instrument from an international law perspective
Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, December 2022

Asia Pacific: The test case for a geopolitical EU trade strategy
Bertelsmann Stiftung, December 2022

The impact of the Ukraine crisis on international trade
Bruegel, December 2022

Transatlantic woes: Neither side can have it all
Carnegie Europe, December 2022

Strengthening US–EU cooperation on trade and technology
Chatham House, December 2022

The future for global trade in a changing climate
Chatham House, December 2022

The contentious U.S.-China trade relationship
Council on Foreign Relations, December 2022

Trade: What’s left of globalisation?
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, December 2022

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the EU
E3G, December 2022

Competitive and innovative: The winning Europe that we need
European Centre for International Economic Policy, December 2022

2023 will be a defining year for Brexit and trade
European Centre for International Economic Policy, December 2022

How important are Mutual Recognition Agreements for trade facilitation?
European Centre for International Economic Policy, December 2022

A united front: How the US and the EU can move beyond trade tensions to counter China
European Council on Foreign Relations, December 2022

Setting the tone: The value of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council
European Council on Foreign Relations, December 2022

How the EU and the US should overcome their trade and supply chain disputes
European Policy Centre, December 2022

China’s Xi knows that international consensus helps with business
Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale, December 2022

How to save the WTO with more flexible trading rules
Peterson Institute for International Economics, December 2022

Have trade agreements been bad for America?
Peterson Institute for International Economics, December 2022

The World Bank, the IMF, and the GATT/WTO: Which institution most supported trade reform in developing economies?
Peterson Institute for International Economics, December 2022

What do the stalled free trade talks between EU and Switzerland mean for their economies (and the United Kingdom)?
Bertelsmann Stiftung, November 2022

Deglobalisation and protectionism
Bruegel, November 2022

Is globalisation really doomed?
Bruegel, November 2022

China and the challenge to global order
Brookings Institution, November 2022

Rewiring US trade policy to address new global realities
Brookings Institution, November 2022

In a green subsidy race, the EU should not imitate the US
Centre for European Policy Studies, November 2022

The US-EU trade and technology council: assessments and recommendations
Center for Strategic and International Studies, November 2022

Will Biden’s trade policy shift after the midterms?
Council on Foreign Relations, November 2022

The globalization myth
Council on Foreign Relations, November 2022

Managing risks in the EU-China economic relationship
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, November 2022

Has globalisation really peaked for Europe?
European Centre for International Economic Policy, November 2022

The new globalization: SMEs and international trade – the supply chain is as important as direct exports
European Centre for International Economic Policy, November 2022

Refining the EU’s geoeconomic approach to trade policy
Egmont, November 2022

Walking out of the woods: EU industrial policy between the energy crisis and decarbonisation
Istituto Affari Internazionali, November 2022

How the G20 can advance WTO reform
Peterson Institute for International Economics, November 2022

The EU should expand trade with the Indo-Pacific region
Peterson Institute for International Economics, November 2022

The advance of China’s private sector pauses, but the trend is unclear
Bruegel, October 2022

Europe’s promised semiconductor subsidies need to be better targeted
Bruegel, October 2022

China and the West: growing apart as geopolitical tensions grow
Bruegel, October 2022

The role of international trade in realizing an inclusive circular economy
Chatham House, October 2022

Sea change in EU trade policy: Opportunities for diversification in the Indo-Pacific
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, October 2022

Greening global trade Clingendael, September 2022

Read this briefing on ‘International trade‘ in the Think Tank pages of the European Parliament.
