NEM 3.0: Here’s what you need to know before April 2023

[Articolo originale] Mario Montano Gen 10, 2023 , , , , , , ,

Tempo di lettura ca.: 2 minuti, 56 secondi

If you are a California homeowner looking to lower your energy bills and make a positive change to the environment by installing a solar energy system, you should be aware of the big changes that are coming in April 2023, called NEM 3.0, and how you can secure the best energy deal for the next 20 years now.

What Net Energy Metering (NEM) is, and why it’s important?

Net Energy Metering is a program that credits solar customers’ electric bills for surplus energy they send back to the grid. As a solar energy homeowner, you can use these credits to offset the cost of the energy you use from the grid.

Currently, we are under NEM 2.0, which means more value for the credits you receive for the excess energy you create. Unfortunately, this is about to change beginning in April 2023 with NEM 3.0, which will reduce the value of the credits by around 80%. *

*Estimation based on current public records.

What can you do to get the best deal possible?

There are two things you can do today to have the best ROI for your future residential solar system:

You can be grandfathered into NEM 2.0 by submitting an Interconnection Application for your solar system before April 13, 2023. We’ll help with your submission. Contact us here to get started.
You can install a home energy storage unit (battery) that allows you to realize some smart moves with how you use your stored energy, for example: The price per kilowatt-hour is usually higher during the evening and night, so you can use your stored energy during these peak hours for maximum savings. Also, it allows you to give back your excess energy back to the grid in the form of credits, thus earning you a higher return on investment by being locked into NEM-2 rates. And let’s not forget about never having to worry about blackouts again.

Energy Credit Value per Time of Day

SolarTech offers you a variety of premium battery options that will adapt to your specific energy needs.

Next-Generation Energy Storage

Remember, you have until April 13, 2023, to lock your rates under the best deal of NEM 2.0, and you do not need a permit, a completed install, or a completed inspection. Let us help you get signed up in time and enjoy the best rates for the next 20 years.

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If you are a California homeowner looking to lower your energy bills and make a positive change to the environment by installing a solar energy system, you should be aware of the big changes that are coming in April 2023, called NEM 3.0, and how you can secure the best energy deal for the next 20 years now.

What Net Energy Metering (NEM) is, and why it’s important?

Net Energy Metering is a program that credits solar customers’ electric bills for surplus energy they send back to the grid. As a solar energy homeowner, you can use these credits to offset the cost of the energy you use from the grid.

Currently, we are under NEM 2.0, which means more value for the credits you receive for the excess energy you create. Unfortunately, this is about to change beginning in April 2023 with NEM 3.0, which will reduce the value of the credits by around 80%. *

*Estimation based on current public records.

What can you do to get the best deal possible?

There are two things you can do today to have the best ROI for your future residential solar system:

You can be grandfathered into NEM 2.0 by submitting an Interconnection Application for your solar system before April 13, 2023. We’ll help with your submission. Contact us here to get started.
You can install a home energy storage unit (battery) that allows you to realize some smart moves with how you use your stored energy, for example: The price per kilowatt-hour is usually higher during the evening and night, so you can use your stored energy during these peak hours for maximum savings. Also, it allows you to give back your excess energy back to the grid in the form of credits, thus earning you a higher return on investment by being locked into NEM-2 rates. And let’s not forget about never having to worry about blackouts again.

Energy Credit Value per Time of Day

SolarTech offers you a variety of premium battery options that will adapt to your specific energy needs.

Next-Generation Energy Storage

Remember, you have until April 13, 2023, to lock your rates under the best deal of NEM 2.0, and you do not need a permit, a completed install, or a completed inspection. Let us help you get signed up in time and enjoy the best rates for the next 20 years.

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