Artificial intelligence [What Think Tanks are thinking]

[Articolo originale] Members' Research Service Mar 23, 2023 , , , , ,

Tempo di lettura ca.: 4 minuti, 9 secondi

Written by Marcin Grajewski.

The recent launches of artificial intelligence (AI) tools capable of generating direct textual answers to questions, notably the chatbot ChatGPT, and the development of general-purpose AI technologies, are expected to revolutionise the application of AI in society and the economy. New AI tools in general offer massive potential for developments in industry, agriculture, health, education and other areas. However, many scientists and politicians are calling for the establishment of a legal and ethical framework to avoid potentially detrimental impacts from the use of such technologies.

The EU’s approach to artificial intelligence centres on excellence and trust, aimed at boosting research and industrial capacity while ensuring safety and fundamental rights. In 2021, the European Commission proposed the AI Act to regulate this area, but that regulation is still being debated. According to European Parliament recommendations from May 2022, AI has huge potential to boost capital and labour productivity, innovation, growth and job creation. However, its development could also pave the way for potential mass surveillance and other detrimental impacts on fundamental rights and values.

This note gathers links to the recent publications and commentaries from many international think tanks on artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence Index Report 2022
Stanford University, 2023

AI inventions: Policy options and a path forward
Brookings Institution, March 2023

A high-level view of the impact of AI on the workforce
Bruegel, March 2023

Artificial intelligence adoption in the public sector: A case study
Bruegel, March 2023

Artificial intelligence: How to get the most from the labour-productivity boost
Bruegel, March 2023

The convergence of new technologies endangering human agency
Friends of Europe, March 2023

Artificial intelligence, diplomacy and democracy: from divergence to convergence
Friends of Europe, March 2023

The end of privacy? From danger to democracy to endangered personal autonomy
Friends of Europe, March 2023

Challenges to U.S. national security and competitiveness posed by AI
Rand Corporation, March 2023

Artificial intelligence and cities: The global race to regulate algorithms
Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, February 2023

NIST’s AI risk management framework plants a flag in the AI debate
Brookings Institution, February 2023

Early thoughts on regulating generative AI like ChatGPT
Brookings Institution, February 2023

Artificial Intelligence and automation in retail
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, February 2023

Software-defined defence: Algorithms at war
International Institute for Strategic Studies, February 2023

Global technology trends: What to watch for in 2023
Real Instituto Elcano, February 2023

Europe against the machine
European Centre for International Political Economy, January 2023

Towards strengthening the Transatlantic tech diplomacy: Trustworthy AI in the EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council
Transatlantic Technology and Trade Forum, January 2023

Artificial Intelligence for sustainable finance
Centre for European Policy Studies, December 2022

The Artificial Intelligence Act and the skills crisis
Lisbon Council, December 2022

Artificial Intelligence: Threats and opportunities for Europeans
Wilfried Martens Centre, December 2022

Strategic partnership for a secure and digital Europe
European Centre for International Political Economy, November 2022

From post-truth to post-reality: The future of disinformation
Friends of Europe, November 2022

Help where it’s most needed: How leading administrations are aiding citizens
Lisbon Council, November 2022

The Artificial Intelligence and cybersecurity nexus: Taking stock of the European Union’s approach
Carnegie Europe, September 2022

Reconciling the AI value chain with the EU’s Artificial Intelligence act
Centre for European Policy Studies, September 2022

Refugee protection in the artificial intelligence era
Chatham House, September 2022

The EU’s attempt to regulate open-source AI is counterproductive
Brookings Institution, August 2022

The importance of international norms in Artificial Intelligence ethics
Council on Foreign Relations, August 2022

Artificial Intelligence and democratic values: Next steps for the United States
Council on Foreign Relations, August 2022

The impact of artificial intelligence on the nature and quality of jobs
Bruegel, July 2022

Intelligence is dead: Long live Artificial Intelligence
Chatham House, July 2022

Artificial Intelligence’s environmental costs and promise
Council on Foreign Relations, July 2022

Role of Artificial Intelligence in intra-sectoral wage inequality in an open economy: A finite change approach
IfO Institute, July 2022

6 ways AI is helping us learn more about our past – and future
World Economic Forum, July 2022

Artificial Intelligence White Paper
Center for Security and Emerging Technology, June 2022

La transition numérique: L’UE dans la quatrième révolution industrielle
Confrontations Europe, June 2022

International competition over artificial intelligence
International Institute for Strategic Studies, June 2022

Read this briefing on ‘Artificial intelligence‘ in the Think Tank pages of the European Parliament.

Written by Marcin Grajewski.

The recent launches of artificial intelligence (AI) tools capable of generating direct textual answers to questions, notably the chatbot ChatGPT, and the development of general-purpose AI technologies, are expected to revolutionise the application of AI in society and the economy. New AI tools in general offer massive potential for developments in industry, agriculture, health, education and other areas. However, many scientists and politicians are calling for the establishment of a legal and ethical framework to avoid potentially detrimental impacts from the use of such technologies.

The EU’s approach to artificial intelligence centres on excellence and trust, aimed at boosting research and industrial capacity while ensuring safety and fundamental rights. In 2021, the European Commission proposed the AI Act to regulate this area, but that regulation is still being debated. According to European Parliament recommendations from May 2022, AI has huge potential to boost capital and labour productivity, innovation, growth and job creation. However, its development could also pave the way for potential mass surveillance and other detrimental impacts on fundamental rights and values.

This note gathers links to the recent publications and commentaries from many international think tanks on artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence Index Report 2022
Stanford University, 2023

AI inventions: Policy options and a path forward
Brookings Institution, March 2023

A high-level view of the impact of AI on the workforce
Bruegel, March 2023

Artificial intelligence adoption in the public sector: A case study
Bruegel, March 2023

Artificial intelligence: How to get the most from the labour-productivity boost
Bruegel, March 2023

The convergence of new technologies endangering human agency
Friends of Europe, March 2023

Artificial intelligence, diplomacy and democracy: from divergence to convergence
Friends of Europe, March 2023

The end of privacy? From danger to democracy to endangered personal autonomy
Friends of Europe, March 2023

Challenges to U.S. national security and competitiveness posed by AI
Rand Corporation, March 2023

Artificial intelligence and cities: The global race to regulate algorithms
Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, February 2023

NIST’s AI risk management framework plants a flag in the AI debate
Brookings Institution, February 2023

Early thoughts on regulating generative AI like ChatGPT
Brookings Institution, February 2023

Artificial Intelligence and automation in retail
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, February 2023

Software-defined defence: Algorithms at war
International Institute for Strategic Studies, February 2023

Global technology trends: What to watch for in 2023
Real Instituto Elcano, February 2023

Europe against the machine
European Centre for International Political Economy, January 2023

Towards strengthening the Transatlantic tech diplomacy: Trustworthy AI in the EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council
Transatlantic Technology and Trade Forum, January 2023

Artificial Intelligence for sustainable finance
Centre for European Policy Studies, December 2022

The Artificial Intelligence Act and the skills crisis
Lisbon Council, December 2022

Artificial Intelligence: Threats and opportunities for Europeans
Wilfried Martens Centre, December 2022

Strategic partnership for a secure and digital Europe
European Centre for International Political Economy, November 2022

From post-truth to post-reality: The future of disinformation
Friends of Europe, November 2022

Help where it’s most needed: How leading administrations are aiding citizens
Lisbon Council, November 2022

The Artificial Intelligence and cybersecurity nexus: Taking stock of the European Union’s approach
Carnegie Europe, September 2022

Reconciling the AI value chain with the EU’s Artificial Intelligence act
Centre for European Policy Studies, September 2022

Refugee protection in the artificial intelligence era
Chatham House, September 2022

The EU’s attempt to regulate open-source AI is counterproductive
Brookings Institution, August 2022

The importance of international norms in Artificial Intelligence ethics
Council on Foreign Relations, August 2022

Artificial Intelligence and democratic values: Next steps for the United States
Council on Foreign Relations, August 2022

The impact of artificial intelligence on the nature and quality of jobs
Bruegel, July 2022

Intelligence is dead: Long live Artificial Intelligence
Chatham House, July 2022

Artificial Intelligence’s environmental costs and promise
Council on Foreign Relations, July 2022

Role of Artificial Intelligence in intra-sectoral wage inequality in an open economy: A finite change approach
IfO Institute, July 2022

6 ways AI is helping us learn more about our past – and future
World Economic Forum, July 2022

Artificial Intelligence White Paper
Center for Security and Emerging Technology, June 2022

La transition numérique: L’UE dans la quatrième révolution industrielle
Confrontations Europe, June 2022

International competition over artificial intelligence
International Institute for Strategic Studies, June 2022

Read this briefing on ‘Artificial intelligence‘ in the Think Tank pages of the European Parliament.
